We’re living in the age of lip fillers; this much we know is true. Getting a CC injected here and there is as casual as getting your nails done. Opinions on lip fillers have been controversial, to say the least. Everyone seems quite polarized on whether they’re obsessed with them or completely hate them. Here at VIVA GLAM, we don’t judge, and instead try to provide you all of the facts regarding their controversial topics. If you’re on the same page, you may find yourself wanting to know more about the phenomenon. There’s no better way to figure out if a fad is safe than to do a little research on the topic. How about we pro and con it?
- Hello, Plump Lips : Before we go any further, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Of course, the biggest pro of lip fillers is getting bigger lips. Whether because you’re loving the recent trend of bigger lips, or because you’ve always hated your thinner lip, fillers offer a quick fix to give you the lips of your dreams.
- Expense: As with any cosmetic procedure, the costs aren’t to be forgotten. Lip fillers are pretty expensive. The prices can range depending on whether or ont a nurse or a doctor performs the procedure. No matter your choice, make sure they’re licensed.
- Immediate Results: Your lips will instantly look plumper the second you leave the doctor’s office! They will be a bit drastic due to swelling, but no need to worry as they’ll definitely tone down after a few days.
- High Expectations: A very common downfall of getting lip fillers is disappointment. Most people go in with a vision in mind, and if their lips look different to how they imagined it can be very daunting. People do tend to panic considering that they’d be stuck with the lips for a few months.
- You Can Even Out Your Lips: Fillers aren’t just for people wanting bigger lips. Sometimes, you may feel that your cupids bow is strangely shaped or that one side of your upper lip is bigger than the other. Fillers can be used to even out your lip shape by injecting them in the spots where needed. So you can leave with the same-sized lips, only more evened out!
- Time’s Up: As with most non-surgical procedures, the results are very much temporary. Lip fillers aren’t going to work like getting a lip job, they will eventually fade with time. This means regular upkeep which can end up costing quite a lot.
- Cruisin’ For a Bruisin’: Ah, the most feared con. When you first get your lip fillers, you’re going to have some severe bruising on your lips. We’re talking the kind that your best lipstick can’t cover. These bruises will get worse and worse for a couple of days until eventually fading. Makes it pretty difficult to be discreet about the procedure!
Some Advice
Lip fillers do seem like an easy procedure, but it’s imperative to do some proper research before going for it. Make sure your doctor is very experienced and does lip fillers regularly; often you can end up with a doctor that simply works in the cosmetic field but hasn’t really done many lip fillers. It’s also important to ask yourself why you want to get any plastic surgery. Getting it done to simply fit in with today’s trend is likely to end badly for you. You could then realize this isn’t really what you want, and have to suffer the consequences. Do it for the right reasons… Do it for you!
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