Are you getting the most out of your workout routine? Instead of showing up for your workout and going through the motion, you mentally have to be there. One of the most important factors when training in the gym is to have the mind-muscle connection. This will give your physique the edge it needs for sculpting lean muscle and burning fat.
The mind is a power is a powerful tool. The mind-muscle connection begins with visualization of the muscles you are actually working. For example, you are doing a squat to build a tight little booty. You get down in your squat position (in great form of course) and you visualize squeezing your glutes as you make your way out of the squat. For every rep you get into squat position, you think about using the glutes and contract as you make your way out of the position. Within time you will have a tight round booty. Note that you will be working other muscles while in your squat position too. You will also be working your core. You have to use the mind muscle connection to keep the core tight while you squat. So in theory you will be working your lower body and core.
The next time you work out, really focus on your workout routine. Are you really using your mind to connect with your body? Try it. See how it compares to your past workouts. The bottom line is to stay focused no matter what your choice of exercise is. If you put 100% into your workouts you will achieve the body of your dreams.
Challenge the body. Challenge the mind.