All posts tagged "aromatherapy"
Psychedelic Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Emotional Well-being
You already know that we’re huge fans of aromatherapy. But recently, we’ve also started to play around with psychedelic aromatherapy. I...
WellnessKanita BajramiJanuary 11, 2024 -
The Benefits of Cultivating the Best Bathing Rituals for Yourself and for Optimal Self-Care
Before, people took a bath mainly to clean their bodies. Today, more and more people are creating bathing rituals as part...
HealthMaria Dolores GarciaNovember 18, 2022 -
Ease Your Sore Throat with These Remedies
A sore throat can occur due to various causes such as tonsillitis, allergies, flu, and common colds. Even though this condition...
HealthMegan TaylorAugust 12, 2020 -
Fitness Hacks to Help You Exercise Regularly
We all know that working out can greatly benefit our bodies. However, exercising regularly is not an easy task. Most of...
Fitness TipsMaria Dolores GarciaMay 7, 2020 -
4 Ways You Can Encourage Self-Care in Your Life
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself. If you’re...
HealthAishwarya AnandanathanApril 29, 2020 -
Aromatherapy During Pregnancy: What to Use and What to Avoid
Aromatherapy can be traced back to several ancient civilizations including the Chinese, Indians and Egyptians who used essential oils in their...
For Your HouseholdMegan TaylorApril 9, 2020 -
Items that Can Help You Feel Perfectly Relaxed
It can be very hard reaching a true state of relaxation now-a-days. Especially with the world at our fingertips. Social media...
For Your HouseholdMalorie MackeyNovember 8, 2019 -
How Aromatherapy Can Benefit Your Life
Aromatherapy is a concept that has been around for a very long time, and it has been constantly evolving to become...
HealthMalorie MackeyApril 11, 2019 -
Increase Your Productivity with these Energy-Boosting Scents
Ever wonder why the aroma of your morning cup of coffee can make you feel awake and motivated? The sense of...
HealthMaria Dolores GarciaMay 31, 2018 -
7 Ways Roses Can Make You Look More Beautiful
Roses have aesthetic effects that can bring life to its surroundings. But, did you know that this beautiful blossom can also...
BeautyMaria Dolores GarciaDecember 18, 2017 -
DIY Scrubs and Creams for Pretty Hands and Feet
Summertime brings us stunning weather, as well as a lot of walking around and on the beach. Keeping your hands, feet,...
BeautyRachel RiceJuly 7, 2016