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Sophie Gray (Way of Gray) on Self-Love, Protein, and Finding Balance

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VIVA GLAM promotes a vegan lifestyle. As a trainer/nutritionist, what proteins can you recommend for our readers?

The way that protein works, there are two kinds of proteins: heme [from animals] and non-heme. Heme proteins are actually complete. There’s not many plant-based sources that are complete proteins. There are a few: chia seeds and hemp. They have all of the essential amino acids that our body needs.

[Protein is also in] chickpeas and legumes, grains, spirulina, and leafy greens. Everything has a little bit of protein. When eating a plant-based diet, you are getting sources from everywhere, opposed to the fake healthy vegan diet – not all vegan diets are healthy. Pop Tarts are vegan.

Are you pro-sugar? Do you crave sugar a lot?

That’s definitely a problem for me. I’m a huge fruit person though. I’m all for fruit. I’ll have five frozen bananas with acai berry powder and that’s my breakfast. I don’t regulate how much fruit that I eat. I love cacao chocolate bars, coconut sugar, and chai lattes. I have way too many of them. It’s a definite addiction and I just think that when you reach for healthier sources, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with natural [sources]. It’s a better alternative.

Soda is also a huge problem for Americans. What are your recommendations for weaning yourself off soda?

It’s so hard for me because I’ve never been a soda drinker. But my sister drinks three Pepsi a day and it blows my mind!

There’s kombucha, which is fizzier. There’s natural ginger ales with cane sugar, which is a better alternative. It’s important to educate yourself on the harm of [soda] as it’s so bad for you. Try flavored waters, crushing up fruit and mint until you’re OK with just plain water.

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