If you’re looking to fill out your jeans with an enviable derriere, there are no shortcuts: you need to work your glutes and hamstrings.
You can do a lot with just your body weight, but if you want fast results, get yourself a set of resistance bands. Many of these exercises use hip circle bands (go to website), but others use longer resistance bands.
Whether you choose to exercise with heavy weights, body weight, or resistance bands, here are some exercises that will enable you to sculpt that perfectly shaped butt of your dreams.
For these exercises, choose a few of your favorites, and do 1 minute of training followed by ten seconds’ rest. Do another minute, then rest again before moving on to the next exercise.
Note: The shorter your rest period, the greater the challenge will be. So if you are new to doing exercise, give yourself twenty seconds’ rest, and don’t overdo it. If anything is hurting, it’s time to stop and check your form!
Speaking of form, be sure you do these exercises correctly. It’s better to do each exercise slowly and accurately rather than quickly and all over the place.
If you choose to use resistance bands, these will increase your challenge levels while also building flexibility and balance. Resistance bands are also useful when exercising if you have delicate joints or are recovering from an injury.
On to the exercises!
1. Double pulse squats
A hip circle resistance band is optional for this exercise. Have the hip circle band around your thighs, just above your knees.
- Stand with your feet pointing outwards and slightly wider than hip-distance apart, and go down into a low squat. You want your thighs to come down until they are parallel with the floor. Make sure you keep your back straight and that you are looking forward, keeping your neck in line with your back.
- Putting the weight on your heels, straighten your legs just a tiny bit, and then go back down into a squat again (this is your pulse).
- Hold it there and then come up slowly.
For the breathing, you want to exhale as you come down into the squat, inhale when you straighten your legs slightly, and then exhale when you squat down again.
2. Rainbow leg lifts
No resistance band needed for this exercise, though you could loop a longer band around your right foot, with the other end in your right hand.
- Get into a tabletop position on your mat, with your hands underneath your shoulders.
- Straighten your right leg out sideways so that the leg is in line with your hip.
- Now lift your leg and swing it behind you to tap your toe on the far side of your left leg that is still on the ground.
- Hold it there for a second (keeping your foot off of the floor) and then slowly draw it back over to the starting position, as if you were drawing a rainbow with your foot. That’s one rep!
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
For the breathing, you want to exhale as you bring your leg across and behind your body. Inhale as you swing the leg back around to your start position.
3. Donkey kicks
A resistance band is optional for this exercise. You would use a longer band and loop one end around the middle of your foot, holding the other end in your hand on the same side. So band around the right foot, your right hand has the other end.
- Stay on all fours, in the same tabletop position.
- Now bend your right knee 90 degrees and lift your leg as high as you can.
- Lower your knee just shy of touching the floor and then lift it again.
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
Be careful to keep your back straight. For the breathing, exhale as you lift your leg, and inhale as you lower it.
4. Bound tiger pose
Stay on all fours for this exercise – no need for resistance bands here.
- With both knees directly under your hips, lift your left leg to your body’s height and straighten it. Your leg should be on the same level as your torso.
- Now bend your knee slowly while keeping the leg lifted, as if you wanted to touch your head with your left foot.
- When your foot is as high up as it will go, hold it there for 10-15 seconds. You can grab your left foot with your right hand if you like, for this part of the exercise.
- Now bring your leg underneath you so that your left knee aims to touch your forehead or chest. When the knee is as close to your forehead as it will get, hold that position for 10-15 seconds.
- Repeat as needed with that leg, then switch sides.
For the breathing, you want to inhale as you lift your leg behind you, then exhale as you bring it underneath you. (Of course, you will breathe in between since you are holding both positions for 10-15 seconds.)
Here’s bound tiger pose in pictures.
5. Glute kick backs
A hip-circle resistance band is optional here too. If using a band, loop it around the thighs, just above the knees.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Kick one leg back behind you, keeping your hands on your hips and both legs straight.
- Flex your raised foot.
- Pause at the height of the movement, then bring your foot back to the starting position.
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
For the breathing, you want to exhale as you kick your leg out behind you, and inhale as you bring it back.
6. Glute bridge with one leg
If you are using a resistance band for this exercise, use it in the same way as you did for the donkey kicks.
- On your back, bend both knees and put your feet on the floor.
- Straighten one leg up toward the ceiling (the leg with the band, if using).
- Now keep the straight leg where it is while you push your butt off of the floor, pushing up with the foot that is on the floor. Your pelvis should come up off of the floor so that your body is then in one line, from your chin to your lifted knee.
- Pause with your pelvis at the top of the movement, then bring it back down to the floor.
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
For the breathing, exhale as you push your pelvis up. Inhale as you bring it back down gently.
7. Curtsey squats
Curtsey squats are excellent for rounding out your butt. You don’t need resistance bands for this exercise.
- Start from a standing position.
- Move your right leg behind and to the left across your left leg. The position is as if you were about to curtsey.
- Bend both knees and lower your hips. Make sure your hips are rotated forward, and your pelvis is tucked in. Your knees should be crossing at a 45-degree angle.
- Do deep pulses in this curtsey squat position for 1 minute. Then switch sides.
For the breathing, exhale as you sink into each curtsey and inhale as you come back up.
8. Single leg Romanian deadlift
No need for a resistance band for this exercise, though you could put the hip-circle band around your lower arms if you wanted an arm workout.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Bend your right knee a little bit as you lean forward from the hips, keeping your back straight.
- Keep going forward until your torso is parallel to the floor, and extend your left leg straight out behind you as you lean forward.
- While leaning forward, extend both arms towards the floor, arms straight. Keep your hips facing forward, and your pelvis tucked in.
- Now push through your right heel and use your butt and leg muscles to return to the starting position without bending that back leg.
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
For the breathing, you want to inhale as you lean forward and exhale as you come back up to the starting position.
9. Diagonal squat walk
For this exercise, you can put a hip-circle resistance band around your thighs (just above your knees) if you wish.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, and sink into a squat.
- Keep your back straight, and make sure your knees are not bent further forward than your toes.
- Take one step forward and slightly to the outside with your right foot.
- Then step your left foot forward to come back into a squat position.
- Now take a step forward and slightly to the outside with your left foot.
- Bring your right foot forward to return to a squat position. That’s one rep.
Continue alternating, exhaling as you bring one foot forward and outward, and inhale as you sink into a squat again.
10. Forward lunges
Lunges are excellent not only for your butt but for your calves too. You can also burn fat at the same time.
You could use a longer resistance band around your thighs if you wish, for this exercise.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Now take one massive step forward, lowering your body slowly so that both knees are bent. Your back knee should come to just above the floor.
- Return to standing, and repeat on the other side.
Make sure that when you bend your knees, your back is straight, and your knee is not further forward than your feet.
For the breathing, exhale as you sink into the lunge, and inhale as you come back up.
11. Side leg lifts
These are great for working not only your glutes but also the smaller leg muscles. You can use a hip-circle resistance band around your thighs for this exercise if you wish.
- On a mat or blanket, you want to lie on your side.
- Lift one leg slowly, then bring it down slowly.
- Repeat as needed, then switch sides.
Final thoughts on shaping your booty
You are always only a few exercises away from that perfect jeans-filling butt. Find a routine that works for you and stick to it! You might be surprised just how quickly you start to see results!