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Shifting Points is something that happens as a result of a dramatic life event or moment of importance…a metaphysical experience that takes place within the body at the points of life that caused a profound shift. Searching for truth in our Shifting Points from the past will deepen our authentic spiritual connection, and cause a powerful self awareness that is both healing and restorative.


There is great value in revisiting our Shifting Points. It’s not always good to look back and dwell on the past, but I believe if we are having difficulties and issues in life, it can be very helpful to search for spiritual truth in our shifting points, and really understand how and why we changed in those moments of shift. This allows us a deeper perspective and strengthens our spiritual connection. Self awareness and understanding is a powerful tool moving forward in freedom and love.


If looked at deeply…we will always find gratitude in the SHIFTING POINTS of our lives


To me, life is about inspiring others to continue moving forward. It’s about building people up, and connecting to one another in truth. My life is about sharing my very personal life struggles and triumphs with the hope that it will help someone know they are not alone. We all struggle in life, and we all are built to succeed…my gift is sharing my truth.


What is Shifting Points Spiritual Guidance?

The greatest journey an individual can undertake is the spiritual journey.Æthe search for spiritual knowledge through our Shifting Points that anchors us in our deepest spiritual waters while we remain fully-sailed in all the pursuits of human life. A spiritual guide or advisor is one who helps you in this discovery process.Æand in the arts of spiritual practice balanced with human expressions.


What does this bring?


An abiding peace flowing from our spirit source, an awareness of Spirit, success in human goals, enrichment of life in all aspects, cultivation of angelic qualities that are part of our human DNA: compassion, generosity, empathy, kindness, modesty, and intuition. And, this spirit/human bridge actually brings much more, depending on how far you want to travel, how willing you are to look deeply at your Shifting Points. My spiritual guide-advisor role is to assist you in being your best self.


A spiritual advisor-teacher is really like a mountain guide taking you up the increasingly higher mountains of spiritual perception. while also leading you through the valleys of human plenty. Spiritual guidance spans both worlds: the invisible spiritual universe, and our sensual, physical world. My Shifting Points spiritual guidance services will help bring you into experiencing your spiritual identity and powers.


What is Shifting Points the book?


Shifting Points means everything to me. I believe it holds magic, light, and it’s filled with love. It’s honest and full of soul. I’ve given up so much for this book, and lost a lot as well. That’s what we do when we’re passionate and believe with our hearts. I’m thrilled at the way people are reacting to Shifting Points and so excited to be involved in something that was divinely inspired and has the power to change…to cause a Shift.


My book SHIFTING POINTS is not a literary masterpiece, I certainly don’t make that claim in any way, shape, or form. What my book is…is TRUTH, LOVE, and my passion to lift people up in their AUTHENTICITY and let them know that although we are all on different paths in life, there is a common thread that runs through us all. We are connected, we are one.


After going through periods of loneliness and total darkness, I was forced to make a choice, either give in to these dark inner forces that were dominating my life or discover who I really was…what my values were and what I could achieve with inner strength and the love of myself.


The scar tissue from my past experiences will always remain…not as a negative…but, as a positive reinforcement of who I am as a strong human being.


The shifting points of our lives are filled with magic.God provided the shift.we should get to the point.


This book is a collection of my thoughts, views, and some very personal stories. My sincere wish is to inspire hope and somehow bridge our commonalities as human beings. We are not alone on our life journey, we are connected, we are one.

My mission is authenticity in its truest form. Leading an authentic life opens the door marked FREEDOM.


Today, as I continue down the path that has been cleared for me, and through a door that has been open for me, I thank God for the grace and guidance, and I ask to always remain open to receive
blessings and hear the voice. I’m filled with hope, gratitude, and faith on my journey toward the destiny that has been designed just for me. For it is in service, serving others as a soul-infused human that we lay the foundation stones for small and significant spiritual awakenings. I have the gift of services offered to you in love, peace and joy.


When you dream, dream big…listen to divine inspiration…follow your heart.




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