Solo travel is now gaining popularity. In fact, more and more people are traveling on their own because it’s an exciting way to explore different countries. One reason is that you’re going to meet new people and make new friends along the road, making your journey more fun and exciting. However, the idea of solo traveling is quite overwhelming for some people, especially if they’re used to traveling with family and friends. The good news is that you can have a fun and exciting adventure if you follow these safety tips for solo travelers.
1. Keep Your Valuables Secured
When traveling solo, you should always bring your important belongings, such as your phone, ID, cash, credit card, and a copy of your passport. As much as possible, you should place them in a secured bag that you can carry while on the road.
Aside from that, you can also leave your other valuables, like jewelry, extra cash, passport, and other important documents, in your hotel safe. That way, you can still access these valuable items in case of an emergency.
2. Share Your Plans with Family and Friends
One of the best safety tips for solo travelers is to share your travel plans with your family and friends. You can give them your travel itinerary, hotel details, and other planned activities. When going out, you can also inform the hotel staff about your itinerary and expected time of return.
Another excellent tip is to sign up at Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP). It is a service that enables U.S. citizens to enroll at the nearest U.S. Embassy of your destination. That way, the U.S. Embassy can determine your whereabouts in case of an emergency.
Of course, experts also recommend staying connected with your family and friends. You can update them through calls and emails. Aside from that, you can also connect with them through social media platforms if you have internet access.
3. Research Your Destination
Aside from those safety tips for solo travelers, travel experts also recommend researching your destination. Some of the most important details you should know are the emergency numbers of your destination. Aside from that, you should also have a general understanding of your trip. That way, you can explore the place with ease.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to know every detail of your destination. Remember, a little spontaneity can make your trip fun and exciting. However, you must know who to call in case of an emergency.