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Rachel Platten: On Her Long Journey to “Fight Song” and Her Upcoming Tour

Rachel Platten may have just been signed to Columbia within the past year, but she has been a touring musician for more than a decade. She just wrapped up a tour with Andy Grammer and Alex & Sierra and is about to embark upon the ultimate summer tour with Colbie Caillat and Christina Perri. (Perfect pairing, right?) While we’re all surprised it took so long for a major record label to sign the gorgeous and talented Platten, in one way we’re glad they did as it inspired her to write her latest single, “Fight Song”. Now with almost 1.5 million hits on YouTube, it’s bound to be the ultimate summer anthem as it’s already inspired thousands, if not millions of people.

Rachel Platten starts her summer tour in mid-July. She’ll perform in the LA area on August 20 at the Greek Theatre. As big things are coming for Platten, we needed to ask her about what to expect on her sophomore album, her tour plans this year, and how she maintains her insane figure on the road. Make sure to go see her on tour this summer!


You just wrapped up a tour with Andy Grammer and Alex & Sierra. With all of the pranking videos posted, it seems like you had a lot of fun. What was it like to tour with them? What did you enjoy the most about the tour?

It was a fantastic experience. Andy and his band and crew are the absolute best, and Andy is like my big brother in the industry (We have the same manager and constantly refer to ourselves as a little family.) Paradise Fears and Alex & Sierra are such loving, kind, cool people and we all clicked instantly; it was quite a love fest. Yes, the pranks were hilarious, I got scared quite a lot, (boo), but I really think that if you take stock of who got who the best, I’d be the clear winner. Just saying…

You’re about to tour with Colbie Caillat and Christina Perri this summer. What are you most excited about for this tour? Will you be playing new music?

Both Colbie and Christina are such amazingly strong women and such great role models (who yes, have great music), and I am so excited to be part of that and spread the message of accepting yourself AS YOU ARE, love, and empowerment every night. Yes, I’ll be playing new music. I’m pumped to get to show what I’ve been working so hard on in the studio to thousands of people every night.


Why did you decide to write a song like “Fight Song” What were you going through that inspired you?

I had been trying to do this career for almost 12 years, and like most people trying to do anything hard, I faced a lot of rejection, a lot of no’s, a lot of closed doors. Eventually, it built up, and just hurt, deeply. I needed an outlet, and I needed a way to tell my story and be honest about what I was feeling; but in my core there always is this tiny voice that resounds with hope, that will not let me give up, no matter what. The song echoed this, the rejection I was feeling, and yet the hope that it just didn’t matter if anyone else believed in me, cause I did, and always would.

What do you hope people take away from the song? What kind of change are you hoping to see in fans of the song?

I hope the song reminds people of their inner strength, their inner fight; that no matter what the outside world says, it is always up to us, how we feel inside, and we can make the choice to feel powerful, no matter the circumstance. I have already seen this in so many fans responses and comments, and I hope the song continues to spread that joy and hope.

What are some of the most inspiring reactions you’ve gotten to the song?

I don’t even know how to choose, honestly. There are so many beautiful comments that I receive daily, and at night I try to read all of them and let them fill me up and remind me how connected this big crazy world can be and how not alone we are. I’ve gotten so many people saying .ā‰¤this song has literally changed my life’, and that is just big. I don’t know how to express how that makes me feel, but it’s big and special and warm.

It’s been four years since you released your debut album. Now you’re signed to Columbia Records. What kind of content can we expect to hear (both lyrical and musical) on the new record?

Oh man, four years?? Ha, I didn’t realize. The content will continue to share the same raw honesty and, hopefully, empowerment in the lyrics. Some of the songs go to deep painful places emotionally, some are lighter and more joyful, but all of them resonate with honesty. Lyrics are incredibly important to me, and I want everything to ring true and help people experience a range of emotions more deeply, whether that’s elation, or hurt, or dejection or freedom. I think in order to reach anyone, you have to be telling your story truthfully, whether that’s through the music or the words.

The sounds will be anthemic, moody, organic and yet very big and pop sounding on others. A WHOLE RAINBOW of sounds, man!


How would you describe your style, both on stage and street style?

My go-to’s are a black leather jacket, black motorcycle boots, ripped jeans and a ton of vintage t-shirts, mixed in with some feminine stuff, like simple dresses, fancy bags, and sunglasses.

As someone who is constantly on tour, what are some of your go-to tips to keeping in shape?

I use my trainer Todd McCullough (@tmacfitness)’s videos on the road – he has something called his tmac20 videos which are incredibly hard but oh man effective. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND them. I also do a lot of yoga and a lot of long walks. I [also] try to eat as healthy as possible, no sugar if I can help it, and loads of veggies and clean protein.

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