CBD products are being used more and more frequently to help people with everyday stress, anxiety, and panic. Currently, things are absolutely changing in the world of CBD. In fact, CBD products can be found everywhere now-a-days and are truly a hit among consumers. What’s even more exciting is that the range of CBD products being offered is also expanding. We keep finding more and more unique and innovative ways to get CBD. While most still love traditional CBD oil, we are finding that a lot of people enjoy taking their CBD in other ways. So, we rounded up some innovative new CBD products to share with you.
Panic Aide
CBD drinks have become very popular recently. Among these is Panic Aide. Panic Aide is a small 2oz drink that was created by Cheryl Poldrugach, a mother who was looking for answers when her children inherited her panic attacks. In turn, she created Panic Aide to help herself, her children, and others. When you feel a panic attack coming on, simply drink it and it will help you calm down. So, if you’ve been taking CBD for panic issues, this is definitely a product to try. And Panic Aide was created in Texas, so the levels of THC in the products test as “nonexistent”, so it’s perfect for those looking for CBD without the THC.
CannNeutra’s Bath Bombs
As of the last year or so, CBD products have become very popular in the world of beauty. We’ve seen many anti-aging creams and face washes with CBD. CannNeutra introduced us to CBD bath bombs, and they are fantastic. Soaking in a CBD bath is incredibly soothing and a perfect experience for those looking to get the effects of CBD without ingesting it. CannNeutra products are also third-party tested and proven to have very low THC levels that meet all federal requirement.
OLO Cannabis Strips
OLO offers cannabis strips that allow you to take cannabis by placing it under your tongue to absorb (which is similar to those Listerine strips we have all tried at one time or another). While this product does have CBD, it isn’t just a CBD product. OLO is a cannabis product, so you will get the CBD in the product with the THC for those wanting the full effect of cannabis. Taking it under your tongue allows you to be affected faster. They are crafted into 4 different types for different affects: Active (which gives energy), Social (which allows you to be more social), Focus (which helps you focus), and Chill (which gives you serenity).
However you prefer to try the CBD trend, be sure to try the method that is the best and safest for you. Be sure to follow all the latest CBD trends, and let us know what your favorite CBD products are!
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