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How to Use Crystals to Live Your Life to its Fullest Potential

If you are feeling stuck in a rut or as if you’re not living up to your fullest potential, one solution that could help reprogram you to be the best version of yourself would be working with crystals. Many think of crystal work as a spiritual fad, but there is actually a science to it.

Crystals can help you hone your transformational energy. Here at VIVA GLAM, we always discuss manifesting what we want in life. The more you put out into the universe and see the life you want, the more the universe sends it back to you. Think of crystals as a tool to help with this manifestation.

In fact, crystal expert Heather Askinosie, co-founder of Energy Muse and author of Crystal 365, discusses not only how civilizations have used crystals for centuries but also how crystals are a form of technology. She points out how the LCD screens on our phones and computers are made from liquid crystals and that computer chips use a form of quartz. (In fact, I have personally heard from many metaphysical experts that it is believed that the old computer system of Atlantis was all based on crystals before it was lost.) So, it makes sense that crystals can put a programming of some kind out there in the universe.

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Different stones have different benefits when meditated with. Askinosie’s book, Crystal 365, breaks down the meaning and uses of 52 different crystals and mentions when to use each stone and how to practice your intentions with them.

While this may seem like something you are skeptical about, we encourage you to give it a try to see for yourself whether or not it is for you, as you will likely be pleasantly surprised. Meditation is always a helpful tool to create your best life, and using a crystal as a tool in your process shouldn’t hurt your practice in any way. So, go for it and be open to the positive changes and results that may come into your life.

There are many books that tell you about crystals, but none that I have read have been as detailed as Crystal 365. What I like about this book is that not only does it discuss the information on the crystals and how to work them into your practice, but the third and final chapter of the book contains a section with crystal combinations. In other words, you can look up an area of your life that you would like to improve upon, and the book guides you on the crystals to use to help get results. For instance, if you’re looking to attract love (dating), there is a crystal combination for that. If you’re looking to get restful sleep or soothe insomnia, there is a crystal combination for that. There’s one for jetlag, as well. The book has many different solutions for your ordinary life problems. I have never seen a book about crystals have such practical applications within it, so definitely check out Crystal 365 to transform your life today.


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