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How to Make a Solo Apartment More Comfortable

Living by yourself has its pros and cons, and if you aren’t used to it, then you may feel lonely and isolated. But there are some changes you can make to your living space that will make it feel more welcoming and that will allow you to live in comfort.

Take full advantage of having complete control over the space (or as much control as you can have when you are renting) and take your apartment to the next level with these tips.

Integrate Your Style

When you don’t have a roommate, you can do what you want with the aesthetic of your place. You don’t have to think about how other people will feel about your fashion and decorating choices, so feel free to decorate how you please. You may feel self-conscious about what family or friends will think when they visit, but keep in mind that they don’t live there. Their opinions about what you should do with the place should not weigh in on your design ideas.

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Feel free to set a theme for your apartment and to shift the furniture around in a  way that makes sense to you. Not everyone will love it, most likely, but that is okay. As long as you like it and you feel comfortable with how the space is arranged, that is all that matters.

Hire Professional Cleaners

One of the easiest ways to make your apartment feel much nicer and more comfortable is to have it professionally cleaned. Instead of you doing the work and making time in your busy schedule, you can hire some skilled local cleaner to do it for you. Use high-rise apartment cleaning to make your place shine and to give it its best look.

Imagine having expert cleaners come into your apartment and clean it from top to bottom. They can handle all of the chores that you don’t have time for or don’t feel like doing. They can scrub the floors, dust the corners, wipe down counters, make up the bed, and much more, and you don’t have to lift a finger. Doesn’t that sound appealing? You don’t have to do hard work to make your space look clean and tidy. The can even put everything back where it goes and give you an organized and appealing looking place.

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Check local listings online to find a cleaner near you and ask them about their cleaning packages. You could find one that is affordable for you and be able to have a perfectly clean apartment very quickly without having to make time in your schedule.

Fill the Walls

Now, we are not suggesting that you fill every last square inch of space on your walls, but we do suggest you add a few things to the walls in each room to make them look less bare. When you hang items on the wall, it makes the space look fuller and will detract from any sense of loneliness.

Find art pieces, home décor, wall hangings, and photos that you want to place around your apartment and that could go up on the walls. Hang them strategically so that they are at eye level. This will help them to catch your eye and draw you to them as you enter each room, making the rooms look fuller. That is a great way to deal with a sense of emptiness in your apartment. If you are strategic about your placement, then you won’t have to add a lot of things to your walls.

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Take time to consider how each item will look in different parts of you apartment. Consider the mood you are setting for each room and how much wall space will be taken up. Instead of cluttering one room, you may want to spread your items out across multiple rooms. Anytime you can add something to your space that draws the eye, it makes the place feel busier and more populated. Carefully choose decorations and photos that make your feel comfortable, at ease, and happy.

Reduce Clutter

This may seem to go against the last tip, but hear us out. If you minimize clutter in your apartment, it will feel less stressful and cause less anxiety. It is an established fact that clutter can make a space feel stressful, even if you don’t fully realize that this is what is happening.

You may be feeling stressed out living on your own if you are not picking up after yourself and if you are letting the space get cluttered.

We suggest tastefully and purposefully decorating the space so that everything has its rightful place and there is not an indiscriminate placement of loose items. You can add a lot of décor to a space and not have it look untidy or disorganized. You can make a space feel lived in and personal without going overboard and creating a cluttered look. That is the balance you want to try to strike here, and we suggest keeping the place neat and cleaning up regularly and then looking for ways to declutter on a regular basis.

Clutter can make a space feel unwelcome and busy without being comfortable, which is why we recommend the toy focus on getting rid of clutter if you feel like your apartment is stressing you. It might feel like living alone is what is causing stress, but we guarantee that if you keep the place tidy, it will be more comfortable for you.

Add Quality Lighting

If you want to get rid of the dark shadows and the creepy corners in your living space, then we suggest adding some strategic lighting. Add lamps and light fixtures and invest in brighter bulbs to chase away the shadows and brighten up the space.

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If you do that, you will feel less intimidated by some areas of your apartment, and it will be more inviting and pleasant.

We hope these tips make your space more comfortable for you and help you to love your solo apartment. 

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