Having trouble finding time to workout in your busy schedule? No worries! You don’t really need to go to the gym, after all! Jesse Golden from The Golden Secrets explains how you can get a workout in without actually working out. It’s functional fitness at its best, and Jesse is here to tell you what to do to get yourself into shape.
Jesse’s Tips:
- Always take the stairs instead of the elevator. This will keep you active without even thinking about it.
- Instead of fighting for a close parking spot at the store, park at the furthest parking spot and walk or ride your bike to do your errands.
- If you are a parent, play with your kids! Running, playing tag, jumping rope, and participating in random dance parties are all fun ways to get yourself moving.
- When grocery shopping, walk to the nearest farmer’s market with two canvas bags, fill them, and walk home with them for an arm workout. Or walk the dog! Don’t overthink it, just get walking!
We hope that helps you get active! Remember, it doesn’t have to be a strenuous workout as long as you are moving. The point to being active is increasing activity practically throughout the day.
Jesse Golden & The Golden Secrets