We truly believe Eric is an artistic genius who has endured many hardships, and his experiences have driven him to produce music with substance behind it. Frankly, he’s one of our favorite musicians, creating catchy tracks that win our hearts again and again. From “Happy Together” to “Coming Undone”, we’re always on our toes waiting for his next release.
Well, he’s started 2021 out strong by dropping the new song “Where you Belong”. Eric posted the song to his platforms on January 22, 2021 with a caption on Facebook that read, “My new song ‘Where You Belong’ is officially out! I wanted to drop some love in these trying times. Link in Bio.” And just like that, as the song plays, you can feel the love and the inspiration that he pours into it.
Just listening to this song one time, we were hooked and wanted to play it again and again. It’s catchy and has an incredibly addictive beat that leaves your hips swaying and your feet tapping. But more than that, you can feel the passion and love that Zayne poured into this song. You can really feel the motivation in the music, leaving you with a universal feeling of uplift- something we can all use right now in our lives. The mixing, background singers, lead vocals, and lyrics all come together perfectly to create another masterpiece.
What I really took away from this song, personally, was the message. I saw a picture painted of materialism- this is where we live now. We need to focus on life, love and the legacy we leave behind. And, of course, like any good music, the message will translate differently to different listeners, and that’s what’s so great about it. His music connects with many people in many different levels.
The music video depicts a feeling of joy, as well, showing Zayne, himself, laughing and singing and many others dancing and clapping to the beat.
With the state of the world being so down right now, music is one of the few things that we can turn to that will lift us up and give us powerfully positive emotions to feel. And Zayne’s new song does just that. It’s a feel-good piece with power behind it. We highly recommend that you turn to your favorite tunes to lift your mood and start your 2021 out right. And be sure to follow Zayne, as his music does just that. You can listen to “Where you Belong” here:
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