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Does Your Makeup Reveal Your Personality?

We all have our preferences when it comes to makeup and the way we like to wear it, but let’s get real for a moment: does your makeup tend reveal more about you than you think? Maybe you like to hide your emotions, and maybe you like to hide your personality, but let’s be honest, sometimes your face can say a million different things, and even if you make a point to try to hide the emotions, they are, as they say, written all over your face.

It could be a subtle contour, it could be the way you apply your foundation, it could be that smoky eye shadow you favor .¨ whatever it is, it’s there, and you’re going to be hard pressed to get rid of it. So what is it that your makeup says about you?

Going Bold with Eyeliner

Bold eyeliner makes a bold statement. You have something to say and you’re going to say it straight .¨ no beating around the bush and no playing around. It’s not just your eyeliner that makes a statement; the rest of your makeup is perfectly polished and there is a strong likelihood that you accent your looks with pink lipstick. You’re sure of yourself, and you’re going to make sure everyone knows it.

Stained Lips  A More Concrete Solution

You like to solidify your decisions, you live your life in the fast lane and you do so with confidence. Most importantly, you enjoy being the center of attention .¨ and there’s nothing wrong with that! You use statement brows to stand out and rosy cheeks to accent your facial features. There’s nothing wrong with adding a little color and you’ve got a handle on it.

Black Lashes, Vamp Lips, and Confrontation

You have a flair for the dramatic and once again, there’s nothing wrong with that. You know who you are, you know what you want, and you’re ready to seize the day. You’re not content just standing by on the sidelines, you’re going to reach out and you’re going to make sure you have what you need. Even if that need happen to be another person. Most importantly, you’re willing to try anything once.

Katarina Van Derham red lipstick strawberry red
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Going the Natural Way

Natural makeup is still makeup but it makes a very important statement: you’re an extremely easy going person. You have your opinions, and you have your reservations, but you tend to keep them to yourself, oftentimes only making statements when your opinion is specifically asked for. You keep the peace, you’re the voice of reason, and when the time comes, you’re there for everyone.

Contoured Cheeks

You make art using a contour palette and you’re good at it. You also like to express yourself, and you make sure everyone knows where they stand with you. You might be emotional, but you know better than anyone that there’s nothing worse than bottling your emotions up, and you’re not about to do that.

jade marie viva glam magazine makeup artist contour brushes
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So what does your makeup say about you? These are a few great example, but your makeup tells your own very interesting and very individual story. Now would be a great time to start evaluating yourself, and perhaps even changing your makeup style to suit your personality better. You’re an individual, and your makeup helps to accentuate that.

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