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VG Did you have any disappointments along the way?

CS I’ve definitely gotten very frustrated, but I tend not to get too attached to anything very quickly so I guess that worked out well for me when it came to acting roles. If I didn’t get the role, I wouldn’t get down on myself, I would just think there was something bigger, badder, and better for me next time!

VG When you say you don’t get too attached to anything, does that go for relationships too?

CS No, I get very attached when it comes to loved ones and family. Especially when it comes to my babies .¨ which are my dogs! I have miniature poodles and they’re my life. In that case I get very emotional and very attached. But when it comes to roles, I don’t get too down on myself because you have to expect that coming into this job.

VG What was it like working on the Twilight movies?

CS I basically grew up doing the Twilight projects since I was 16 and I don’t think anything will ever compare to that experience. It’s been a really cool experience travelling the world and meeting fans. It’s definitely been fun.

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