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Why Are More Women Gambling Online?

Gambling was once considered a purely male pastime, but the large par between men and women in the gambling world is now closing really fast.  

Recent statistics released by the UK Gambling Commission show that there is a difference of less than 10% in the number of men and women who admitted gambling in the past year.  In a 2016 survey, the UKGC showed that 53% of men said that they had gambled in the past 12 months, compared to 44% of women.

What has caused growth that will eventually see the end to the great gender divide? We can safely say that online gambling has played a massive role in this trend.  

But why are more women gambling online than ever before?

Online gambling grew as an industry from the middle of the 1990s. For the first time, people were able to sit back on their own chairs in their own homes and enjoy all kinds of games that were once before only available at land-casinos.  This completely revolutionized the gambling industry. For the first time, players didn’t need to leave the comfort of their homes to travel to a casino in order to play.

If women once felt uncomfortable heading into a casino on their own and sitting down to play blackjack, now there able to hit the tables without a care in the world.  For the first time, women were able to seek out their favorite games in a once-male dominant industry and play to their hearts’ content.  The anonymity of the action was also a huge drawcard.

For the first time, women were not restricted to the opening and closing hours of land-casinos. Since online casinos run 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, women players could plan their gaming sessions to suit their own schedules. If they wanted to start the day with a few spins on their favorite slot machines or wind down at the end of a busy work day with a glass of wine and a few hands of poker, online casinos instantly made it possible.

Never before in the history of time have gamblers (men and women) had so much flexibility in their casino gaming.

From Bingo to Blackjack

In the early years of online gambling, the favored game among women players was online bingo. The industry managed to take the fun and rewards that players originally found playing bingo in their dusty church halls and bring it onto online platforms. Online bingo sites are as well known for their entertaining games as they are for their friendly chat rooms.

But not all women are built for online bingo. Within a little while, just as many women as men were finding their niche playing online games such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and – of course – slots! Today, there is almost no gender divide when it comes to playing at online casinos.

Bonuses and Promotions

Consumer-savvy women have long discovered the excellent bonuses and promotions that can be found when playing online. These bonuses give you free casino money to play with and the chance to boost your bankroll and your play time. You can find a bunch of amazing no deposit offer online so you can save money while playing your favorite slots.

If you’re new to an online casino, you will find a wide range of excellent matching bonuses for new depositors. These New Player bonuses are usually spread across your first few deposits into your new online casino account. Some of them even include free spins on top-notch slot games.

Once you’ve played at the site and redeemed your welcome offer, you can take advantage of some of the best bonuses in the business. Most online casinos have their rollout of regular offers such as cashbacks, free spins and reload bonuses. In addition, most online casinos also run regular specials that are themed around a new slot release, holidays and sports events. Through these specials, you can win bigger prizes throughout the year.

More and more women online gamblers are enjoying these special offers and bonuses and are reporting on huge wins.

Mobile Gambling

One of the biggest reasons for the rise in popularity of online gambling is the growing number of people in the world who have mobile casinos. According to NewZoo, the number of Smartphone uses around the globe will hit 3.8 BILLION by 2021. Samsung and Apple hold market shares of 27% and 24% respectively.  Around 39% of the world population uses a smartphone already.

With these staggering numbers in mind, and the ease and convenience of playing casino games on a mobile device, it is not surprising that the number of female online casino gambles continues to grow at such a dizzying pace.


Is Bingo A Woman’s Game?

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