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Marriage Material: An Interview with Deisy Suarez

The COVID-19 pandemic hit many of us hard. People have responded to the government-mandated lockdown in many different ways. Some took the time to heal and meditate. Others took a much-needed rest. And then there were those like Deisy Suarez who used this opportunity to create something wonderful. Deisy is the owner of Desuar Spa, which VIVA GLAM visited last year. When the government ordered Desuar closed, rather than allowing that to be a negative thing, Deisy spent her time writing Marriage Material: How I Found My Husband to serve as an inspiration for those couples out there having to change their wedding plans amid the pandemic. We caught up with Deisy to talk all about Marriage Material.

How did the quarantine period motivate you to write your book, Marriage Material: How I Found My Husband?

Writing a book was something I always envisioned myself doing, although I didn’t know when I would be able to do it or what topic I would talk about. A number of friends told me I should write about dating and relationships, and more specifically how I found my husband. This seemed like a great idea (it is an unusual story after all), but I wondered, how would I do it? Juggling writing, running a full-time business, and being a wife and a mom to two sons would definitely be a challenge. 

Then Coronavirus “COVID-19” came, and the world shut down; I had to close down my business and “stay safe at home” for an uncertain period of time. I soon realized that this would be the perfect time to put my thoughts down on paper; the isolation would allow me to completely dedicate myself to accomplishing some long overdue dream projects.

When I saw people canceling their weddings but still finding ways to tie the knot, I felt compelled to share my own love story. My book, Marriage Material, is filled with pages of enlightenment and encouragement, and I hope to inspire others with the stories of my romance. 

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What is the most important message for readers to take away from Marriage Material: How I Found My Husband?

I thought of all the people who were planning on having their dream wedding but were going to have to settle instead for a modest, no-guest wedding due to the current norms that have been established. I decided to write about my own unique marriage, not only because my friends suggested it, but even more so because, although my wedding didn’t occur during the pandemic, I had to get married without the people who I loved around me, and being unable to share my special moments with others reminded me of our current situation. Perhaps my story could give some hope and perspective to others facing similar circumstances.

At the end of the day, all that extravagance that comes with a big wedding, the amount of money spent, doesn’t really matter when you are marrying your soulmate. A marriage is simply the communion of two souls that unite on the physical, mental and spiritual planes; it’s about the commitment to love and protecting one another, to build a home and life together, that is guided by the divine principles of morality and virtue. A big wedding doesn’t dictate or guarantee the outcome or a successful marriage. When two souls love one another, that is all who needs to be present to unite their lives together, forever.

Marriage Material isn’t a traditional dating and relationship book, but my readers may find some useful tips or advice from my personal story. Perhaps some of my experiences will resonate with my readers. I know being single can be hard, especially for women right now, and hopefully some of my experiences can be enlightening and encouraging for some women. I hope they get to enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it! And I truly expect they can find some valuable guidance in its pages.

How has your marriage to Keith effected your journey and encouraged you to create more for yourself?

Even though my marriage to Keith was not planned nor something I saw happening, my marriage became a very important part of my life. It was life-changing. I had to adapt to a new lifestyle; it was very challenging at the beginning but as the days passed, my view on my marriage to Keith turned into a blessing, a positive force that will help me accomplish some of those long overdue dreams. Having someone on your team that is there for you no matter what and is willing to invest in your dreams, create something together, and is not afraid to give up their sleep to help you succeed is just something to be motivated and encouraged by. His willingness to be a team player was the force I was missing to get motivated. I was inspired to want to do more not only for me, but for us and our kids. This was a life changing event, and many would never understand it unless they can experience it. 

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We loved your spa, Desuar, which, obviously, had to close with the rest of the world during the pandemic. Do you have plans to open up Desuar again soon?

Yes! Thankfully, on June 29th, Desuar Spa will be reopening. We are super excited to serve our community and clients. I know it has been a very difficult period for many of us, and we could all use some relaxation, therapeutic massage and facials. Upon entering Desuar Spa, your senses are instantly soothed by the elegance and tranquility, but there are a few noticeable changes – such as the numerous state-of-the-art air purifiers, hand sanitizer, plexiglass at the front desk, curtains on treatment doors that have been placed throughout the spa and gloves and masks to be worn by every masseuse. 

Do you have any plans for a new project or feat following the release of your book?

Yes, I will be focusing on creating a more active presence on social media, start blogging on my website and of course continue to push my Desuar Spa through the pandemic. I’ve also decided to write a second book on the topic of entrepreneurship, sharing my wealth of wisdom and knowledge with aspiring entrepreneurs across the country. 

Be sure to purchase Marriage Material here, visit Desuar spa as it reopens, and follow Deisy on her website. Here at VIVA GLAM Magazine, we always love highlighting strong entrepreneurial women, and Deisy Suarez definitely falls into that category.


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