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Keep Calm and Carry On : Looking After Your Mental Health in These Strange Times

These are undoubtedly strange days and, for most of us, this is unchartered territory. Being in lockdown, spending days rather than hours by yourself (if you live alone) is not easy. Watching the horrifying news reports and daily updates on the effect Covid-19 has had on our society is going to take its toll on all of us in one way or another.

Whether you are still in lockdown or in a community where restrictions are being eased, our lives have certainly changed, and it’s time to embrace what’s being called the ‘new normal.’

At some point over the past few months, it’s only natural that we’ll have had good days and bad days; days where no matter what you try, you just can’t seem to be motivated to do anything. It’s essential to keep a check that what may have started as a chance to unwind and escape from the usual stresses of daily life doesn’t become a problem for us.

You’re not alone

Even if technically you’re home alone, in this day and age, some company is never far away. Phoning, FaceTiming, or Zooming, whichever one you choose to use, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, and colleagues. Never feel that ‘I haven’t got anything to say,’ everyone’s in the same boat right now, so no-one has any exciting news or tales of a great day out they’ve had or a restaurant they’ve visited. Sometimes just saying “hi” and checking in with people can make a world of difference, and if you are feeling low, then it gives the people that care about you the chance to provide you with a virtual hug.

Don’t bottle it up

For many people, talking to their therapist is a regular part of their week. It’s a chance to get things off their chests, talk through issues that are causing anxiety, and perhaps most importantly, feel listened to. In years gone by, admitting that you were in therapy used to come with a stigma attached. Nowadays, it’s common for a large slice of society, and it now comes with an understanding of how it can be an enriching experience.

Obviously, with social distancing measures, it may be a while until those next appointments can be scheduled; however, if you’re feeling down and in need of support, then using one of the online therapy services that are available can be the perfect solution. If you’ve never tried therapy before, this is a great way to get the help you need, and you can feel comfortable and secure in your own home and surroundings.

A breath of fresh air

As well as helping to exclude feelings such as low self-esteem, regular exercise can do wonders for stress, depression, and anxiety as well as improving the overall health of your heart, bones, and joints.

Physical exercise doesn’t have to mean going to the gym, getting on a bike, or putting your running shoes on. So if wearing lycra isn’t your thing, then don’t worry. Doing any activity that raises your normal heart rate counts as exercise. It is recommended that an average adult does approximately seventy-five to a hundred minutes of exercise a week, so you should try and include this into your daily routine.

Taking the time to go for a long walk will not only get your heart pumping and let you breathe in some fresh air; it will also give you a change of scenery and a chance to appreciate the world outside your door. The fresh air will help you to clear your mind while being out in the sunshine will help your body to create Vitamin D, which is known to help fight respiratory infections. So all in all, stepping outside can be good for your mind, your body and your soul.

Seize the day

If you’re lucky enough to have stayed well and healthy throughout this pandemic, take the chance to use this extra time at home to your advantage. Make a positive change to your environment by getting all those little DIY or decluttering jobs that you’ve been promising to do for ages done, and you’ll feel a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Alternatively, whether it’s for career enhancement or simply self-improvement, there is a vast variety of online learning courses available. They cover everything from bread making to cryptocurrencies, so if your mind is dwelling on things you’d rather forget, give it something to else to do!


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