A handbag is a medium-sized bag or a large bag, used to carry personal belongings. It is known as a purse in North America. If you are a novice setting out to buy your very first handbag, then it must be challenging to select the best type of hands that suits your preference. Here, is a list of factors that you must keep in mind before buying a designer handbag.
1. Price – This is an important factor to be kept in mind before buying a designer handbag. Buy a bag according to your budget. Generally, second-hand designer handbags are a lot cheaper than the first-hand ones.
2. Functionality – Before buying a handbag, decide how you are going to use the handbag.
3. Quality – The quality of the bag is indeed an important factor. If you are going to pay a considerable amount behind the handbag, ensure that it is designed by a reputed company and the fabric used is of a top-class material.
4. Color – The color of the bag is also a crucial point. You must see that the color suits your taste.
Some companies which make the best handbags are:
Celine handbags are designed by the French designer Celine Vipiana. Celine bag is comfortable enough for all kind of occasions. The minimalistic approach used by the bags has attracted a lot of customers.
1. Most people do not like brands that brandish their logo. So, Celine only has a tiny stamp made of metal, present on the top of the bag.
2. Celine makes the interior of the bag very smooth and comfortable for the ease of the customers. Even, the exterior of the bag is generally liked by all.
3. Celine bags seem to keep pace with changes occurring in the fashion world and are extremely trendy.
1. The bag is not that durable and cannot survive a lot of wear and tear.
2. The stitches of the bag run horizontally and if a lot of pressure is employed, the stitch might open.
3. They don’t offer faux leather options.
Chanel is one of the foremost companies in producing designer handbags.
1. These handbags never go out of style. The leather finish of these handbags is comfortable and stylish.
2. These handbags are durable and can be used for a very long time.
1. The bag might be a bit over your budget.
This French company produces handbags that are a perfect blend of style and comfort.
1. The handbags are waterproof.
2. The bags are durable.
1. The customer service of LV is not that good.
2. The glaze of the bag might wear out after a few weeks of using the bag.
Gucci has a rich heritage of providing quality products to its customers.
1. These bags are durable and their quality does not depreciate over time.
2. There is a great variety of products produced by Gucci. They have a wide assortment of different styles and shapes.
1. The Gucci bags are the big bomb right now but they might not be later on.
2. The online delivery service of Gucci is poor.
This is an American based company which produces spectacular products by using personalized fabric, color and shape.
1. The nylon or canvass which is used to make these handbags are durable and sturdy.
2. Kate Spade bags are affordable.
1. Their online service is bad and they are reluctant in cancelling orders.
2. Their customer service is not up to the mark.
Hermes is a manufacturing company hailing from Paris which caters to a wide range of customers.
1. The items produced by Hermes are of proper quality and their artisans pay attention to every small detail of the product.
2. Any product by Hermes is luxurious and enhances your status.
1. The online sites of Hermes do not provide many details about its products. This ambiguity can annoy customers.
They have a range of creative and stylish products that have become a rage among customers.
1. The strap of the bag is easy to adjust.
2. The softness of the leather is proper. It does not become slouchy and lose its shape.
1. The online delivery service of this product is poor and the product arrives after a prolonged delay.
Now, I hope that you can make a smart and knowledgeable decision whilst buying a handbag. Article contributed by Hari babu.
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