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6 Things You Need To Do After A Car Accident

When a car accident happens, it can be confusing and frightening. You might not know where to go or what to do next. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do after an accident that will help you with all those things – from getting your vehicle repaired to filing for compensation from the other driver’s insurance company. This article will outline the 6 important things you need to do after getting in a car accident.

Contact a Law Enforcement Agency

The first thing you should do after a car accident is calling the law enforcement agency to make a formal report. You can do this by calling 911 or the emergency number in your area. The police officers who arrive at the scene of your car accident will use their discretion to decide whether or not a report should be made. In certain jurisdictions, the accident must have involved injuries and/or significant property damage for a report to be taken.

In some cases, the law enforcement agency might show up before an ambulance does. Regardless of whether or not you need medical attention, you should wait for the law enforcement officers to ask questions about what happened before making any statements. 

Also, make sure that you do not speak with anyone from the other driver’s insurance company. Doing so could cause complications if you want to file a claim later on. The officer will document information about your injuries, possible damage to other vehicles involved, and take an official police report that you can use as evidence for insurance purposes.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

It is important to hire a personal injury attorney if you suffered some kind of damage or injury that was not your fault. A Georgia motor vehicle accident attorney can help you get compensation for car repairs, replacement services, property damage, medical bills, and even lost wages. 

Working with an accident lawyer will make the process easier because they know how insurance companies work and what information is important to collect and preserve for your claim.

Your personal injury attorney should be the first person you call after your accident, even before you contact other family members or friends. They will also help you get in touch with the right doctors to take care of your injuries and guide you through the paperwork process.

Report Your Accident to Your Insurance Company

After getting in an accident, contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Not only will you be able to avoid any coverage issues later on, but there are many benefits that you might not know about. For example, if you call within a reasonable amount of time after your accident then the rates of your policy won’t increase for at least 3 years. 

Also, you need to report the accident to your insurance company in order to get collision coverage. Without this critical step, any repairs that are necessary will not be covered under your policy.

Gather Information About The Other Driver

When you call the police after a car accident has occurred, they will ask for information about what happened. Make sure that you get the driver’s name, address, phone number, car registration number, insurance information (policy number and company), license plate number, the make/model/year of their vehicle, and any other helpful details that might be relevant to your claim. Once you have this information in writing (ideally before talking to anyone else about it) you can proceed to the next step.

Request Medical Attention Immediately After A Car Accident

After you are injured in a car accident it is important to seek medical attention immediately. The injuries might be very severe, but even small problems will get bigger if they are left untreated for too long. 

It is usually most beneficial to go to an emergency room or urgent care center, but you can also hire a doctor to come to your home. If you have minor injuries, the doctor might give you some medicine for pain relief or prescribe an ointment to prevent infection.

Take Pictures Of The Accident And Your Injuries

When your car was damaged in an accident, it is important to document the damage both before and after repairs are made on the vehicle. That way you can prove that your injuries were real and that you weren’t just faking them later on when you make the claim. 

Take photos of yourself following the accident, the car, and any other property damage that might be relevant to your claim. Doing so will serve as powerful evidence for insurance purposes if you decide to file a claim later on.

Injuries from car accidents can range in severity and if you don’t take the proper steps, they could get worse without treatment. Following these steps will help ensure that you’re able to receive compensation for any damages incurred during the accident.

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