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4 Things You Should Know About Plastic Surgery Procedures

Plastic surgery procedures are becoming increasingly popular. However, many people do not understand the basics of these procedures. Here are four things you should know about plastic surgery procedures.

1. Not Everyone is a Candidate for Plastic Surgery

Although plastic surgery is commonly thought of as the “pick-me-up” no one needs, certain people are not suited for this type of procedure. Cosmetic surgeons from Berkeley Square Medical and other reputable medical clinics and facilities around the world concur in putting the best interests of potential surgery candidates in mind. These procedures require a certain level of physical health and a positive outlook on life to ensure their success. If you are not ready to take the necessary steps for positive change, then plastic surgery is not the best option. Ensure that you are ready to take control of your life by putting in effort and making healthy lifestyle changes before considering cosmetic surgery.

Also, age needs to be considered when choosing whether or not to go through with a procedure. You need to speak with your doctor about what age would be best for you depending on if you want any corrective procedures, anti-aging procedures, etc. A good rule of thumb is if you still look great no matter how old you are without makeup, then maybe plastic surgery isn’t something you should consider yet as aging is normal and it’s important to embrace those natural changes as you get older.

2. People Must be Aware of the Risks Involved With Any Kind of Surgery

There is always a chance that something could go wrong during or after the procedure. If an individual has had several previous surgeries or does not have a healthy lifestyle, they may not be eligible for plastic surgery. It is important to note that no medical professional will perform any type of elective surgery if they feel it would be too dangerous for their patient. Even if you get the green light to undergo plastic surgery, you should know and accept that there are risks associated with any surgery, no matter how minor. It’s important to be aware of these risks and have realistic expectations about what the surgery can and cannot do for you. Discuss these risks with your doctor so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to undergo plastic surgery.

3. Strictly Follow the Preparations for the Procedure 

Just because your doctor has approved your plastic surgery, doesn’t mean you can just sit back, relax, and wait for the day of surgery to come. It’s important to make sure you’re adequately prepared before undergoing a plastic surgery procedure. This includes:

  • Quitting smoking/avoiding nicotine products;
  • Avoiding alcohol and aspirin products in the weeks leading up to surgery;
  • Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to surgery;
  • Arranging for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for the first few days post-op.

There may be other instructions and preparations listed here that your doctor might tell you. Make it a point to follow your doctor’s instructions closely in order to ensure a smooth and safe recovery. 

4. Not Everyone Experiences the Desired Results after Plastic Surgery

Though this may seem like an obvious thing to say, it is still worth mentioning. Plastic surgery should never be considered a guaranteed fix for any physical issue or self-esteem problem. In some cases, patients may not achieve the look they were hoping for or may experience other complications following surgery. It is important to have realistic expectations before deciding to go through with any type of plastic surgery procedure. Another vital point to keep in mind is to be aware of the risks and benefits associated with each type of plastic surgery procedure before going through with a procedure. Your doctor should go over what’s involved in your specific type of surgery, any alternatives, and what you can expect throughout the healing process. Some common risks include:

  • Infection/blood loss/poor wound healing
  • Under/over-correction
  • Swelling/bruising
  • Change in sensation (numbness)
  • Asymmetry (uneven results)

Every patient has different surgical results depending on their skin elasticity, skin thickness, etc. It’s important to accurately communicate expectations so everyone is on the same page before deciding on which procedures would be best for you. Talk about realistic goals with your doctor to avoid any disappointment after surgery.

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There are many things to consider before undergoing a plastic surgery procedure. It’s important to be aware of the risks and benefits involved with each type of surgery, to adequately prepare yourself for the healing process, and to have a general understanding of how the surgery works in your body. Make sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to get all your questions answered and make an informed decision about whether or not plastic surgery is right for you. 

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