Upright posture is 50% of a woman’s attractiveness. Slouching has never been and never will be trendy, so following these 10 rules you will notice that you start to feel much better, and the reflection in the mirror has become much more pleasing.
A straight back is the foundation of good posture
The ability to keep your back straight for a long time is almost half the success. There is a fairly well-known exercise: take a straight stable position, put a heavy book on your head and walk around the room like that.
Try to keep your back straight as long as possible – at home, at work, in the car, on a walk. The longer and more often you do this, the faster it will become a habit. You can even install a “reminder” on your phone with the text “keep your back”, for example, every 10 minutes.
Imaginary thread from the nape to the tailbone
Internal control is another component of good posture. In order to find the correct position of the head, imagine that a strong thread is stretched from your neck to the tailbone. Remember this until such a situation becomes a habit.
Lowered shoulder blades and spread shoulders
Try to spread out your shoulders and look at the floor. This is not possible, so looking straight ahead is an important aspect of good posture.
Light walk in one line
A royal gait requires compliance with certain rules. Firstly, when walking, it is worth keeping one line and not swaying. Secondly, you should adhere to the unspoken rules of women’s gait: the step should not be too big – a maximum of 1.5 times the length of the foot. First, the leg moves with the foot, and then the body. It is necessary to ensure that the toe and heel are on the same line.
Wide waving and proper gait are incompatible, but this does not mean that the arms should be pressed firmly to the body. Your arms can move with a small amplitude, the left one with the right foot, and the right one with the left foot. Learn the basics of gait, practice at home in front of the mirror.
Walking on bent legs is another most common mistake that women who are just starting to walk on heels do. A correct gait on high heels is making a straight step with a hip sway on straight legs. Do not start with too high of heels right away.
Gathered-in stomach
This is what should be worked out before automatism. The more often and longer you do this, the faster it will become a habit. For example, with each phone call, gather in your stomach and hold throughout the conversation – this will become a kind of training for you.
The right shoes
For the prevention of flat feet, choose comfortable and high-quality shoes. Shoes should exactly match your size. Too tight shoes do not allow your toes to move freely, and too loose shoes ruin the gait and provoke injuries, such as dislocations and sprains. Everyday shoes should have instep support, and preferable no heels. High-heeled shoes can be worn for no more than 2-3 hours, after which it is worth changing into something comfy and giving your feet a rest.
The workplace should be comfortable
According to this study, the table and chair for work should fit your height. The height of the table should allow you to position the legs at a right angle. If you are sitting and you are forced to bend over and bend the shoulder girdle, the distance between the table and the chair needs to be adjusted. Do not forget that the working chair should be comfortable for work, have suitable armrests for your height and be height-adjustable.
Proper load transition from heel to toe when walking
Scientists have studied this method of walking a lot and came to the conclusion that it is best for the back. The results showed that with such gait mechanics, 53% less energy is consumed than walking from toe to heel, and 83% less than tiptoeing. Therefore, the transition from heel to toe gives a minimal load on your musculoskeletal system.
Orthopedic mattress and pillow
Mattress and pillow work together to keep your spine in the correct position during sleep. The inconvenient bed can lead to curvature of the spine, which will negatively affect your posture. It used to be that the harder the mattress, the better for the spine. This is actually the partly wrong approach. A hard mattress prevents the muscles from relaxing, which can lead to circulatory disorders. Nowadays, there are high-quality orthopedic mattresses and pillows that can remember the physiological parameters of a person and maintain the correct body position during sleep.
This is especially important for those who mostly sit while working. Take breaks every half hour to get up and do at least a few physical exercises.