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There’s a Crystal For That

Are you wanting to try a new hobby that will really benefit you? Crystal healing is an age old practice that practitioners swear by, and is very easy to get into. Read on to find out what crystals can do for you, and which ones you should start your collection with.

So Many Crystals, Not Enough Time

People just getting into crystal healing will see that there are hundreds of crystals for them to try out. It can feel overwhelming to say the least. Where do you start, and what should you know about the crystals?

First of all, just start with what you think you’ll need in your collection. Everyone has different needs, so go with what feels right. You’ll soon build up a useful collection that’s unique to you.

The Shape Of Your Crystals

You’ll see that there are different cuts and shapes of crystals that you can buy. As you’re starting out, tumbled crystals are just fine. As you get to know crystal healing practice better, you can start experimenting with natural or cut crystals as well.

Essential Starter Crystals to Add To Your Collection

Build your collection with these starters:

  • Clear quartz: This crystal is an excellent healer and all rounder. It can be programmed do almost anything. If you want a crystal that can boost the effects of the others you own, this is a good one to buy.
  • Amethyst: Perfect for banishing negative energies. It’s a stone everyone should have, as it helps connect you with your own psychic powers
    and helps you develop a deeper bond with your crystals.
  • Tiger’s Eye: This stone is the one you should snap up if you want to boost your self-confidence. It carries a masculine energy, making it great for the purpose. It also helps with protection and grounding.
  • Rose Quartz: This gentle pink stone is the best stone to have if you need comfort. It helps with emotional pain, and helps you connect with your own emotions.
  • Hematite: This serious looking stone is the best protection against negative energies and attacks. It strengthens your aura, allowing negative energies to simply bounce off of you.
  • Smoky Quartz: Struggle with negative thoughts? This crystal is the one for you. It can absorb negative thoughts and emotions, helping you deal with them in a more positive and helpful way.
  • Citrine: Everyone wants more prosperity in their life, and this crystal will bring it to you. It also helps with self-confidence, too.

Everyone is Different When It Comes To Crystals

When you buy some crystals, meditate with them, carry them around with you, and just be with them. This way, you can create a bond with them. You’ll find you like some crystals more than others. That’s fine, that means that stone means something to you.

Start trying out crystals now, you’ll soon find a set that works for you and you alone.

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