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I believe that to truly move forward in progress, we must confront the dark parts of ourselves and work hard to overcome them with the light of forgiveness. There is immense power in forgiveness.

To forgive is to unlock the door marked freedom. Forgiving is extremely hard to do but if we don’t learn to forgive from our hearts, our hearts become hardened. Holding on to bitterness, anger, hurt and disappointment will only build walls that block the grace of God. I know firsthand that when we let go and forgive…forgive ourselves, others, God and the world…we open the door for miraculous events to take place in our lives; Personal growth, deeper understanding, physical and emotional healing, greater compassion and a new found joyous love for humanity can all be revealed through God’s favor in all its brilliance.

When we hold on to unforgiveness, we’re blocking the light of our true authenticity that’s meant to illuminate the path of our dreams. How can we truly journey a magnificent life moving forward while holding onto poison from the past?

We must learn to forgive…forgive ourselves…forgive others…forgive from the heart…forgive daily…forgive quickly…forgive now.

Our willingness to face and fight the demons of our past will ignite a spark in the soul and cause our
to sing. Our pain must be the fuel for our strength. I believe this for you, I believe this for me and I believe this for humanity…it’s the only way to move forward in peace and harmony with unity and love…it’s the Shift of deep understanding and forgiveness that will perpetuate growth in the direction of freedom.


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