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Have a Meat Free Labor Day!

For many of us, Labor Day is spent with family and friends celebrating the holiday with a backyard barbecue. This year, why not try a vegan or vegetarian cook out? It is a fun, easy and healthy alternative to traditional barbeque and your guests will love these tasty dishes!

  1. Kabobs – Kabobs will look like a rainbow with purple potatoes, red bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, carrots and yellow squash.
    Marinate in olive oil, rosemary and thyme for a tasty treat!
  1. Tofu and tempeh – Barbeque tofu and tempeh steaks on the grill and baste in teriyaki sauce for an Asian flair!
  1. Fruit on the Grill – Did you know you can put fruit such as peaches, pineapple and watermelon on the grill for a mouthwatering and refreshing side dish? Add one scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side and you’ve got dessert!
  1. Burgers – Who says burgers have to be made from meat? Why not try portabello mushroom sliders, lentil burgers and pulled jackfruit instead?
    These yummy alternatives provide a hearty substitute to beef!
  1. Sides – No barbeque is complete without fresh corn on the cob, potato salad, pasta salad, cold asparagus and a light fruit salad! And don’t forget ice cold watermelon with a slight sprinkle of salt, mmmm good!
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